The Devil Beside Me: Gang Stalking, The Secret War and How to Win (English Edition) par [E. J. Wyatt]





Le livre The Devil Beside Me détaille les tactiques utilisées dans le phénomène mondial connu sous le nom de "gang stalking", les raisons de cette campagne de harcèlement et la manière de récupérer votre vie si vous êtes l'un des rares malheureux à être soumis à ce problème inexplicable.

Rédigé sur une période de quatre ans, The Devil Beside Me est un ouvrage novateur qui couvre un large éventail de sujets, de l'ésotérique au familier, du quantique au spirituel. L'auteur, grâce à des recherches minutieuses, sa propre expérience et des entretiens avec des victimes ainsi qu'avec des initiés, a découvert non seulement les raisons de ces événements, mais aussi un secret choquant qui a été soigneusement gardé pendant des centaines d'années. The Devil Beside Me fournit des révélations surprenantes et va plus loin en vous donnant les outils dont vous avez besoin pour vérifier la vérité par vous-même.

Comprend des informations sur :

Des conseils pour rester en bonne santé, physiquement et mentalement, pendant cette épreuve.
Ce qu'il faut rechercher dans vos antécédents et l'histoire de votre famille qui peuvent fournir des indices sur les raisons pour lesquelles cela vous arrive.
Déboulonner les impasses de la désinformation sur le "contrôle des esprits" et les "expérimentations gouvernementales".
Comment développer vos capacités de discernement et mener vos propres recherches pour découvrir la vérité par vous-même.
Comment dépasser le harcèlement pour vous réapproprier votre vie et faire de vous une cible moins attrayante, en mettant un terme complet au harcèlement.

Il ne s'agit pas d'un autre livre prétendant résoudre ce problème sans véritables réponses ou simplement d'une autre impasse de désorientation et de désinformation. Les concepts présentés remettent en question les systèmes de croyance acceptés et exigent la capacité de remettre en question tout ce qui nous a été enseigné. Avec ce livre en main, vous avez la clé pour déverrouiller les secrets de notre monde que seule "l'élite", les riches et les puissants, ont pu connaître. Si vous voulez comprendre pourquoi cela se produit, comment y mettre fin et, en fin de compte, comment aider à changer notre monde pour le mieux, c'est votre nouveau départ.

Targeted Individuals: Technical Information

Personnes ciblées : Informations techniques

Cet auteur effectue des recherches sur les revendications des personnes ciblées depuis janvier 2016. J'ai interrogé trois personnes qui ont fait des déclarations similaires et, à mon avis, ces déclarations sont crédibles et réelles. Des informations techniques ont été obtenues sur la fréquence et la tension utilisées. Deux signaux sont utilisés par les satellites en orbite géosynchrone : (1) la fréquence de géolocalisation et de poursuite d'environ 3648 MHz, (2) la fréquence de nuisance d'environ 3921 MHz, (3) les lectures du voltmètre analogique de 0,8 millivolts à 10. 0 millivolt sur le dessus de la tête de la personne - c'est environ 1000 fois plus d'énergie que celle qui pourrait être produite par le soleil par temps clair ; (4) Confirmation des assignations de spectre de fréquences à partir du tableau des fréquences de la FCC indiquant les "communications fixes par satellite (espace-terre)", en accord avec les fréquences mesurées. En théorie, il pourrait être possible de brouiller ces fréquences en utilisant des kits de matériel facilement disponibles auprès de sociétés telles que D'autres fréquences de brouillage peuvent être possibles en utilisant un balayage de 4 à 300 Hertz, ce qui confondrait l'identification du signal de retour. Des milliers de personnes dans le monde sont torturées par ces attaques vicieuses. Le Dr Barrie Trower, ancien agent du MI5, possède un certain nombre de vidéos Youtube décrivant sa connaissance de ces horribles programmes de la CIA et du renseignement britannique. Ils se produisent en ce moment même. Le Dr John Hall, M.D., auteur de "Satellite Terrorism in America", a détaillé son expérience de ces programmes financés par la CIA de MK-Ultra. Le Dr Richard Northern, d', a effectué des mesures sur des centaines de personnes prétendant être ciblées. Les dénonciateurs de la NSA, William Binney et Kirk Weibe, ont récemment annoncé leur soutien aux personnes ciblées. Le Dr Katherine Horton est une scientifique formée à Oxford et une victime depuis 5 ans - Environ 70 % des victimes sont des femmes. Certains sites web ont suggéré que ces mêmes fréquences micro-ondes ou ondes ELF peuvent être chargées avec des messages subliminaux. Par mesure de protection, Seth a recommandé de vous répéter cela : "Je ne répondrai qu'aux messages constructifs." Quel genre de malade voudrait faire des expériences et nuire ainsi aux gens ? Ces expériences horribles sont étrangement similaires à celles réalisées par le scientifique nazi, le Dr Josef Mengele. Pourtant, tous les médecins ont prêté le serment de "Ne pas nuire". Une longue liste de références est fournie avec ce livre électronique. Pour une liste complète de mes ebooks publiés, voir "Ebooks published on Smashwords and Lulu by Richard Lighthouse ;" ISBN 9781370721948 et ISBN 9781365440090.

USB Controlled RF Signal GeneratorsRadio Frequency Products Made in the USA

Note:  Currently Windfreak is shipping products marked as “in stock” on schedule.  At this time, we do not anticipate any issues concerning COVID-19 but will update this note quickly should anything come up.
Windfreak Technologies provides high value radio frequency devices such as RF Signal Generators, RF Synthesizers, RF Network Analyzers, RF Power Detectors, RF Mixers and RF Frequency Converters.  These devices can be used as RF Test and Measurement Equipment and controlled by Labview in an Automated Test Equipment (ATE) setup, or used as bolt-in RF modules in RF communications equipment.  All products have innovative, powerful feature sets controlled by internal microprocessors so any settings can be memorized and used with or without a PC.  Windfreak hardware also comes with the Labview GUI source code saving the end user hundreds of hours programming custom software.  Use one of our RF Signal Generators or other products risk free.  Return it if it doesn’t work in your application within three months of purchase.
IMPORTANT! We avoid shipping direct to France, China, Hong Kong, Korea or Israel. For information please click to contact your distributor.

Low Cost USB RF Signal Generators – A Hybrid Solution – Why They Should Be in Your Next Project

Low-cost Universal Serial Bus (USB) radio frequency (RF) signal generators have recently come on the scene in the wireless world. They promise to be game changers for many reasons. Until these devices came out, a prospective buyer had two choices when it came to RF signal generation solutions. The buyer could either purchase a $20K+ benchtop box with all the bells and whistles, or they could purchase a $6K narrowband “synthesizer”, either hard coded to one frequency, or with an RS-232 programming port to figure out. Both of these solutions would typically take eight weeks to deliver. They are generally build-to-order components.
USB RF signal generators are actually a hybrid approach to both of those options mentioned above—they can be much cheaper and deliver in a couple of days. A great (made in the USA) example is the Windfreak Technologies SynthHD Dual Channel Microwave Signal Generator for $1,299. This price is suprisingly cheaper than some RF test cables.


MSG Microwave Signal Generator
The device has two independent channels that can tune in 0.1 Hz increments from 54 MHz to 13.6 GHz. The SynthHD’s RF power is adjustable in .01 dB increments from -50 dBm to +22 dBm. It also has many modulation features including FM chirps. The relative phase between the two channels can be adjusted in .01 degree increments. It is a hybrid approach because the device can either be controlled with a PC graphical user interface (GUI) like benchtop test and measurement (T&M) equipment, or it can be programmed to function as a module inside a communication system without a PC, like the narrow band synthesizer mentioned above.
The GUI is laid out as close as possible to similar bench top signal generators.  After tuning to the spec needed in the project, those settings can then be programmed to the SynthHD signal generator’s nonvolatile memory. The device will power up that way from now on, with sweeps or modulation, even both. Another interesting feature with all of Windfreak Technologies software is that it is written in Labview, and the software source code is included with the purchase. Labview is ubiquitous for controlling test equipment in labs all around the world. This allows the end user to hack out the features they don’t need, or add features they do need for ease of use. The SynthHD is really the best of both worlds. Its RF power settings can be calibrated for accuracy. It has an external reference input or output for frequency stability, an external trigger for stepping and other functions like external modulation, and a GUI for quickly adjusting parameters similar to their benchtop counterpart. To make it even more accurate, there is an onboard temperature compensation algorithm that periodically makes amplitude adjustments over temperature.
Module integration engineers get much more tuneability than they were going to get with the old solution. This allows them to purchase one broadband device for their system instead of many narrowband variations. They don’t have to use external attenuators to perfectly set the RF power. The SynthHD also has an ultra-small form factor with mounting tabs. Similar Windfreak designs have successfully flown on fighter aircraft—suggesting sufficient ruggedness for most applications. The SynthHD signal generator is not just a continuous wave (CW) generator. It can also sweep, hop and modulate.
The SynthHD signal generator will generate sweeps. The sweeps can be single channel or dual channel. The device can sweep up or sweep down. It can also ramp up or down amplitude while sweeping. The sweep can be controlled with an external trigger to either perform a full sweep per trigger, or perform a single step. In dual channel mode you can program a constant frequency offset between the two channels for the sweep.
The SynthHD signal generator will generate hops. The GUI allows the user to program up to 100 arbitrary points with a frequency and amplitude in dBm. This table is stored onboard in nonvolatile memory. Like the sweep mode the user can then have an offset on the other RF channel, hop up the list, hop down the list, and work with the trigger input.
Additionally, the SynthHD signal generator will digitally modulate FM, AM, and pulse. FM can be a typical sinusoidal signal, or it can also be a chirp. AM can also be the typical sinusoid signal or it can be ramps. The modulations can be combined. Combining a pulse and a chirp allows the user to set up a frequency modulated continuous wave (FMCW) radar signal. You can even combine this with the sweep function. As an electronic warfare example, you could sweep a pulsed waveform across a range of frequencies. Rates can be very slow, or in the case of FM, up to 5 KHz. Of course, all of these features can be saved to the device; it will begin sweeping on power up without a PC connected!
Use the external Trigger connection to perform external modulation such as FM, AM and Pulse.

SynthHD and SynthHD Pro Software GUI

Users don’t have to use the SynthHD signal generator with the supplied software. They can also program their own application with other languages and operating systems. All of Windfreak Technologies products set up a virtual serial port as a Communications Device Class / Abstract Control Model (CDC/ACM) device which is an older, well-known driver technology. The drivers are included in most distributions of Linux as well as in Windows 10. For older versions of Windows, the drivers are included, but Windfreak supplies a driver file that allows Windows to know what it is. Commands to the device are simple text based commands. Serial applications such as PuTTY work well, which is available for Linux and Windows. Even free serial terminal apps from the Google Play store can communicate with these devices using an Android phone.
These features can open up opportunities for new products, or cost reduction in older ideas.
The small form factor lends itself well to portability. Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS) engineers used to roll around large carts full of equipment for testing their installations. Now they walk in relative freedom with a small SynthHD signal generator transmitter generating two frequencies at once controlled by a tablet.
Government agencies and their contractors are looking more to commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) devices for cost savings. Aviation customers are flying a much lighter, smaller device. Mobile users are putting SynthHD signal generators in the glove box instead of the trunk. Wireless labs around the world can keep a few in a drawer (with the more expensive cables) for spur of the moment experiments. You can easily set up multiple channels with different frequencies, or multiple channels with the same frequency and different phases in an antenna beam steering test, or for that quadrature local oscillator (LO) you need for your image reject mixer. The devices are light enough to be supported in the air by the stiff cables that are hooked to them.
Electromagnetic interference (EMI) testing is a field where these devices can really help out. EMI testing can be very expensive so it’s a good idea to do some basic testing in your own lab first. Even if you don’t know much about RF, relatively low cost equipment and a beginner’s book from Ken Wyatt at could provide big savings when the device goes for actual certification.

EMI Testing a Raspberry Pi

EMI Testing with the SynthNV.
Universities are some of the biggest customers for USB signal generators.  They work well in projects like scanning electron microscopy, photonics, atomic transitions in materials, and general RF communications applications. These are just a few of the many possibilities. The price and portability allows the students to use them outside the lab. Since the students get the Labview code, they can sharpen their skills programming software for their custom applications. On top of that, the SynthHD signal generator is Arduino compatible, plus it comes with the digital schematics detailing all of the microprocessor connections. The student can completely wipe the firmware and start programming in the open source Arduino environment with all of its benefits of its online community. There is also a 20-pin board-to-board connector which will allow analog and digital inputs and outputs to go to their custom made snap on boards. This creates an easy environment for huge opportunities in learning and customization.
Professor Nir Bar-Gill used Windfreak Technologies devices at Harvard University starting in 2010. He continues to use the signal generators in his new role at the Hebrew University in Israel.
“I’ve used Windfreak Technologies products for basic research in quantum spin physics, mostly related to nitrogen-vacancy color centers in diamond. We use these devices for driving and manipulating various spin species, replacing much more expensive systems. We stack the Windfreak modules in order to simultaneously drive six different spin species (each at a different frequency) which allows us to create the world’s smallest quantum refrigerator,” said Bar-Gill.

Harvard Quantum Spin Research

Stacking multiple RF Signal Generators at Harvard.
Any engineering problem can be solved in a multitude of ways. Concerns of price versus performance are the biggest balancing act an engineer faces. To tip the balance in your favor, a low-cost USB signal generator is a perfect tool for the engineer’s toolbox!


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